went through all this trouble to poll women online, and the women took the time to answer. The press release is below. What they forgot to address: Many couples don't even end up having sex on their wedding night!
Great 'Sex-pectations': Survey Reveals Majority of New Brides Expect Better Sex After the Big 'I Do'
Over A Third Fantasize About A Different Partner When In Bed With Their Fiance
Nearly A Quarter Plan To Spice Up Their Wedding Night & Honeymoon With A Sex Toy
NEW YORK, Oct. 13 /PRNewswire/ -- More than half (52%) of brides-to-be expect that their sex lives will improve after walking down the aisle, according to a new survey from (, Conde Nast's premier destination bridal Web site. Before that walk, however, more than a third (37%) admit to fantasizing about "another man" when in bed with their fiance. A good number (76%) also say that their sex life has either simply stayed the same or worsened since they got engaged.
Poll results additionally indicate that new brides agree that the wedding night and honeymoon warrant something special in the boudoir. Nearly a quarter (24%) said that they plan on purchasing a sex toy for the occasion and an overwhelming majority (95%) plans on buying new lingerie.
In order to make the wedding night sex even more memorable, most brides (92%) plan to sleep in separate beds the evening before their nuptials, with many (42%) intending to halt sexual activity well before they head to the altar. Of those planning a bedroom hiatus, a majority (53%) expects to abstain for a month or longer.
In addition, there is a percentage for whom the wedding night will not require anything new to spice up the bedroom, with more than one in ten (11%) respondents stating that they want to say "I do" before having sex for the first time.
The poll results contained in this release are non-scientific and are based on questions posted on from June 18 - 30, 2008. A total of 2206 women answered the online questions.
1 comment:
Interesting statistics. I wonder if anyone has statistics on when a couples sex life declines after marriage? Once the sex life goes, that’s when a marriage gets into trouble. Everyone knows that marriage takes hard work, but few think about improving their sex life in a serious way. Just "letting it happen" doesn't always work. Lovemaking gets stale and the marriage declines. Kind of sad when you think about it.
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