A few weeks ago, the maker's of Trojan condoms released the results of their third annual Trojan Sexual Health Report Card. The report card ranked more than 130 colleges and universities across the county. While the methodology is unclear--as to how many people participated in the ranking and what it actually takes for their school to be included, it's a good gauge of what's happening on campus.
I'm not sure why NYU isn't on the list and have inquired as to why. However, it's no surprise that the Catholic colleges and universities are among the least sexually healthy.
Click on the Report Card for more details.
Umm. No. Any suggestions on changing that?
Great comment!
A few things to start:
Find out what sex-positive events, policies, programs, classes etc. are happening on campus.
Come up with a wish list of what you want available on campus.
Email me at amy@sexedsolutions.com with your findings and I'll help you figure out next steps.
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