I have two confessions. One that I sometimes watch MTV. I can't get enough of the reality shows that sensationalize sexuality. It's part of my job as a sex expert to be able to deconstruct these shows and comment on them at times. The second...well, read on.
The other night while channel surfing, I came across the show Sex: with mom and dad. Perhaps you've seen it. It was in previews giving us all a sneak peak before the premiere on September 29th. And now for the confession...I auditioned for this show. I'm sure a lot of experts auditioned. Funny to think Dr. Drew was the chosen one. The show definitely gets families confessing and talking. It does so with Dr. Drew's intervention in a therapy type setting, assigning homework for the teen and parents to complete together. I specifically remember talking to the producer about homework assignments and how research shows this is effective. Perhaps I helped shape the segment. But, from what I've seen so far, these assignments get them talking about who they have had sex with and how many times--both the teens and the parents. This isn't my idea of success. Talking yes, focusing on the intimate details, not so much. No doubt, this shock value will cause ratings to soar.