Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Hurried Woman Syndrome

In a time when women bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan, and do 10 million other things in a 24-hour period, it's no wonder so many have liquidated their libido. Dr Brent Bost coined The term Hurried Woman Syndrome a few years ago. It's symptoms include being tired, wanting to eat often, gaining weight, losing sleep, lack of motivation, tiredness, increased appetite, weight gain, trouble sleeping, and low self-esteem--most women I know fit the profile perfectly. So, how can we do it all in a day, and still add sex to the to-do list? The key is to prioritize your tasks---yes! this include intimacy-- and make time for yourself. If you do, your life will be less hectic, and your sex life will be back on track!

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